Undergraduate at CST, Tsinghua University.
Graduate student at UC Santa Barbara, advised by Prof. Lingqi Yan.
Computer Graphics, 🦀.
Public key also available at GitHub with fingerprint C814410124BD14629C48D6137CD93CD529A38A9B
or key-id 7CD93CD529A38A9B
This key has been revoked because I lost my Canokey.
Recent posts
- A short comment of AI-generated Videos, and why I think rendering is still important
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- Statement of Condemnation from the Anthon Open Source Community Regarding the Inappropriate Behaviors of the Linux Foundation and its Employees
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- Paper Note: Generalized Resampled Importance Sampling - ReSTIR PT
- Paper Note: Generalized Resampled Importance Sampling - GRIS theory
- ReSTIR GI: Path Resampling for Real-Time Path Tracing 阅读笔记
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